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    对于英语专业的学生而言,听、说、读、写、译是最基本的 五项技能 写作相对于其他技能来说是最重要也是最薄弱的 环节,它是学生英语语言知识水平的综合体现,体现了学习者 思维和语言的综合能力。写作题材包括了记叙与描述(Nar rationDescription),说明文(Exposition),议论文与说服(Ar_ gumentation&Persuasion)。接下来,笔者将就英语专业学生在 Campus Love为主题的一篇议论文写作中出现的问题进行 探讨,并分析其对策。

    一、 学生在议论文中出现的主要问题

     ()观点不突出。 在这次写作中,学生需要以Campus Love为主题写一篇议 论文表明自己是支持还是反对的观点,有的学生是皆可:On one handits existence has its own rationalityon the other hand this kind ofattachmentis alsorisky.这其中的原因应该是对议论 文的写作不熟悉,老师必须强调学生要有鲜明的论点,才能在#p#分页标题#e# 后面的论证中更有说服力。

     ()句子冗长。 同样在这篇议论文中,有的同学没有遵循简洁明了的原 则,出现了许多冗长累赘的句子,例如: 1With the development of science and technologymore and more people have a tendency to make acquaintance with strangers through the internet and even fall in love with those cyber 1overs 2Is it wise to fall in love with someone you have never met in person? 3Cyber lovers style is not the king you like desperatelybut the tragedy is that you can’t find this only through communication on the Interuet 4It has been a common practice for college ss to find their boyfriend or girlfriend on campus 5Fall love with in college have become a common phe nomenon for college ss 6They iust take advantage of it to kill time 7Besidescampus love can bring about many psychological problems for campus studentsAs is knownfrustration met with in campus love has been a leading cause of the increasing tragic events#p#分页标题#e#such as suicidesmurdersviolent actions 8For ss who concentrate on campus lovewould affect their academic study more or less 9So only through long association can we have a deep under standing of a person 1 0They will spend time on having meals togethergoing out together and even studying together in order to develop their rela— tionship 1 1We have seen many soap operas or read many love sto riesin which the heroes and heroines fall in love with each other the instance they meet each other

    ()主谓语不一致。 1Many bad guysthey take advantage of the internet to OCCU PY someones loveIt is not to protect someone they have never met in personbut to get money or others things from the“#p#分页标题#e#cyber love”, and even destroy herhis life 2When met with holidaythey even need to prepare valuable gifts to express their loveShoppingdining out or entertainment any of them all need money 3And everytime I talked to himit made a horrible day turn into a fantastic 4Think about their parents response when the news comes tothem

     ()表达不地道,中式英语过多。 1Secondwe cant know their reaI characteristics 2Man will express his true appearanceshow ones colors 3【gocheck】I think each love story is from a fall in love at first si【#p#分页标题#e#ght be gan 4I【paperrater】d always been a hopeless romantic and when I saw him perfection 5The one time I 1l in lore at first sight was when I saw nay first boyfriend for the first time in my English class on the first day of seventh grade 6As a college studentstudy always ranks the first in our liveand in reality【知网】as well as the love in college 7asI seetoit 8turn to another persons hug 9Only if we fall in love in campusour lives will be entire 1 0They bright us up but for no askingbut asking nothing in turn l1Everyone has his ideal person whom live togetherMaybe he not handsome OF beautifu1but he can understand our heart 12We fall in love at first sightits possible that our wrong feeling.#p#分页标题#e#

    ()搭配不当。 1Make crimecommit crimescommit a crime 2Have some keep companyto have sonleone for company 3Campus student 4Love-deep understanding 5ConfoI~n to ones expectationsatisfy oneS expectation 6At this casein this case 7Keep it lastkeep it longlast long 8Let you heartbeatlet your heart beat fast

     ()举例不恰当。 司马相如和卓文君的爱情故事不能证明一见钟情不可靠。


     (#p#分页标题#e#)老师应该加强词汇教学,注重学生的词汇积累 词汇就像是砌房子的砖.是说话写作的基本材料.学生可以 对所学的词汇进行归类,比如把语篇中的同()义词、反义词、上下义词归类。应注意提醒学生,对英语词汇的掌握不仅仅 指词义本身.还指掌握其语用知识.从而避免写作中词不达意 和因词 [量的不足而避重就轻,选取简单的思想和修辞的问题。

     ()扩大阅读量。 大量阅读是语言输入的重要途径.没有足够的输入是不 可能有大量的输出的。可以说阅读是吸收,是积累,写作是在 此基础之上的表达。假如没有语言输入,语言的输出就会成为 无源之水,无本之木。首先,大量阅读可以提高阅读速度,扩大 词汇量。其次,可以让学生广泛涉猎各种类型的语言素材,加 强英语语感.抵御母语干扰,在写作过程中信手拈来,对英语 写作起到潜移默化的作用,进而减少中式英语出现的次数。英 语和汉语属于两种不同的语系.在思维方式、句子结构、语篇 结构方面存在着大量不同。在实际写作中,相当一部分学生虽 然头脑中有思路却苦于无法用英语完全表达出来,即使勉强 写出来,也是词不达意,而且他们习惯用汉语思维,借助中文 的表达法,通过中介语把意思表达出来,这就产生了汉语式的 句子。这种情况下母语负迁移的产生主要原因在于目的语语 言输入不足,如果能保证大量的语言输入,在“读”的过程中吸 取精华,养成好的语感,并贯彻到写作的实践中,就有利于学#p#分页标题#e# 习语言的准确性,使学生掌握英语特有的思维模式,学会连 贯、统一地组织结构,准确、流畅地传递信息。

     ()对中西方文化和思维进行对比。 学英语,既要在语言之内学,又要在语言之外学。当涉及 在母语和二语之间进行对比分析时,除了对汉语和英语进行 语音、语法和词汇的对比之外,还应对汉英两种语言所体现的 80 思维方式和文化进行对比。学生只有了解英汉语篇思维模式 的差异,才能在写作中的语篇层面自觉地遵循英语的思维特 点整理思路,达到英语写作中词汇、句型、语篇的完美组合。

     ()改变教学以教师为中心的模式。让学生成为写作的 主体。 在加强课外阅读的基础上,加强写作的训练,多花时间, 多下工夫。另外,建议写作课以小班的形式开展,有利于教学 效果的增强。 通过以上研究,我们发现学生的英语写作状况不容乐观, 学生在搭配、词汇、句法、衔接手段,谋篇布局等多方面存在问 题.这需要引起我们的关注。希望学生在加强词汇的积累,阅 读不同类型的素材,增强语感的基础上,在教师的指导下写作 水平能有所提高。
